Sunday 18 May 2014

I'm (A Piece of Trash) Back!

I suck, I have no excuse for the lack of updates this time :( Just pure laziness... I'm so sorry! But I'm gonna try harder to stay with my update schedule. Promise.

Here we have Jay's imagination getting the better of  him.

Thursday 17 April 2014

A Comic!!!

So, this actually happened to me yesterday and for some reason I was so moved by these events that I had to make a comic about it...

Also, yes, my hair is blonde...

Love~ Shigeru (The Cat Lord)

Monday 14 April 2014

A Drawing For You!

So, I just re-installed all my programs and as a test, I drew coloured portraits of Jay and Gerard. After changing some settings on my new tablet and now it's so easy to use! It's really smooth and similar to just drawing on paper so these drawings look pretty good (I think, anyway) compared to other stuff I've done digitally.

Gerard's eyes look a bit foggy (No clue if that's a good word to describe it) at the bottom because I tinted it with blue because he wears glasses. Also, he's really really white, like holy damn.  So yeah, here are my boys! :3

Love~ Shigeru (The Cat Lord)

Sunday 13 April 2014

Well Then.

So, I'm pretty sure I've said this previously, but the universe hates me. I don't know why said universe has decided to pick on an awkward and abnormally short dude like me, but it has. My computer crapped out and I had to get it fixed, but all my programs have been uninstalled (I just got it back today) so I have to re-install them before I can start drawing... So sorry about that, guys. But now that it's working again I'll do that and get started again, this time for real, I promise! :)

Love~ Shigeru (The Cat Lord)

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Lucky Me (For Once)

So :) I found a pretty simple solution to my tablet problem; call the really smart guy who lives in the apartment next to me. Apparently there was a minor connection error with the tablet and my computer and some settings needed adjusted. But we're all good now and I have a drawing for you guys :)
Also, I've decided on weekly updates; from now on expect me to update on Sundays (unless something goes wrong or I am busy, in which case I will notify you)
Yep, so here's a drawing of Jay!

I Honestly Don't Know.

So, I said in my last post that I had replaced my tablet and would be able to start uploading comics again, but for some stupid reason, this new tablet isn't working and I have no idea why it isn't. It doesn't read the lines I make with the pen, but starts drawing wherever I move the mouse. I'm pretty pissed about this. It worked just the other day, what could have happened between then and now? Seriously, nobody used it in those few days, I don't know what's happening but it's making me really angry. There's a few things that I'm going to try out to see if I can fix it, and if I do I'll post something tonight, but if not; sorry.

Saturday 15 March 2014

Finally good news!

I've managed to replace my tablet with a much higher quality one! So, it'll be back to my semi-regular erratic posting schedule now. I'll try and have a comic up by tomorrow, so yeah, good news :) And I'll harass Elliot to post another comic as well.
I can't really think of anything else to say, so I'm gonna promote some fantastic comics on Tapastic!
Soul To Call by Rommie
Strays by Samantha Whitten
The Outer Door by Yufei (I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THIS COMIC!)
Holy Alice by Hayel/ChocoDevil
Comatose by Wally Nguyen
Lost Nightmare by Miyuli
X-Arcadia by xxKuru-San
Severed Links by Margaret Dyan

And on that note, I'm going to go. Byee~

Love~ Shigeru (The Cat Lord)

Friday 28 February 2014

A Thought I Had...

So, I had a thought to maybe try ordering a new pen for my tablet (they don't sell pens individually for my tablet where I live) to see if that's the problem. The pens are pretty cheap and one I found has free shipping :)  the problem does seem to be with the way the lines continue after I lift the pen, so I'm thinking (desperately hoping) that it could work. So I'll most likely be ordering that this weekend and it should come in about two or three weeks (I think?)
Also, I want to share some pictures (none were actually taken by me) of scenery from Hokkaido and Osaka!

Here is Hokkaido!

And now Osaka!

So beautiful! I think so, anyway. One of the most amazing parts of Osaka is the temples, they are so nice. Kyoto has lovely temples as well, but I like Osaka's better.
I'm going to go now, so yeah, have a good day, everyone :)

Love~ Shigeru (The Cat Lord)

Thursday 20 February 2014

Random Thoughts, Anyone?

So, this is kind of weird, but I feel like there are a couple things that I need to put out there...
So here goes;

I've always wondered about people who name their cats or dogs things like Susan, Elizabeth, Sheldon, or John. (Similar names in Japanese; Fumio { 文夫 }, Izanami {イザナミ    }, Hokuto {ホクト}, or Shigeru { 茂  } )
Like, they must get weird looks, right?
"Susan, you've peed already, now come inside so I can go to bed!"
"Sheldon peed on the rug again."
"Elizabeth bit holes in my good loafers!"
"John climbed all the way up the drapes today!"

That just doesn't sound right...

Anyway, sorry. That was just something that randomly came to mind. I dunno, I just had to say it.
Feel free to follow me on Tumblr ( or not, whatever. I'm pretty boring anyway.

Love~ Shigeru (The Cat Lord)

P.S: Just as I was about to finish typing my name, I knocked over my bag of sourdough pretzel bits and they spilled all over my bed, so I had to take off all my bed sheets and go shake them out on the balcony of my apartment...
This, my dear people, is why you sit at a desk whenever you can!
I sit on my bed and yet my desk is right there?

I took this from my bed, my desk is so close! Why do I do this to myself?! My neighbours think I'm crazy!!
Also, my hair got in the way of the picture, sorry :)
Goodnight for real, this time!

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Notice Of Hiatus

So, the universe hates me.
Now that I'm feeling better, my tablet has decided to stop working D:
The pen continues to pick up on where I'm moving it even after I've lifted it from the tablet and it's just awful. I can barely use it anymore, and will probably have to buy a new one. Which sucks because they don't carry the tablet I use at the store I went to anymore. All the other ones are way more expensive and I really can't afford (literally) to be spending unnecessarily, but I also don't want to be without a tablet because digital art is one of my favourite things to do.
The current tablet I have is one of the first things I bought when I came to Canada, it was on sale for 49 dollars (Canadian) which, compared to the usual 70 dollar price, was an amazing deal, but the tablets they have there now are all upwards of $100.
Ugh, I'll probably just take on some extra shifts at work until I can afford it without losing anything from my savings? I hate this, to be honest, and I'm sorry for venting here like this, but I can't really complain to Elliot because he can't take me seriously because of the way I talk, so here it is, haha.
I swear, though, as soon as I get a new tablet, I'll update right away!
For now I've got to go to work, so yeah, bye for now :)

Love~ Shigeru (The Cat Lord)

Saturday 8 February 2014


I'm so sorry, I know I said that I would post a comic last night, but I fell asleep. (Yes, at 7:30.) The stress I've been putting on my body finally caught up to me. I'm not very healthy to begin with, I've got a very poor immune system as well as asthma and a mild lung disease so I get sick very easy, and lately I've been really busy, between work, online courses, and this I haven't been sleeping much. So last night, I just kinda crashed with my laptop on my bed, Elliot had to come in and wake me up so I could go to sleep properly. I've booked some time off work to rest because I'm just done for a while, but I'll get the comic finished up regardless, it's almost done and won't take much more time. Sorry about that, guys. I might take a bit of a hiatus from posting for a while until I'm feeling better, but if I do I'll probably still post some sketches and whatnot. Anyway, I'm going to go get some sleep, so goodnight :)

Love~ Shigeru (The Cat Lord)

Friday 7 February 2014

Okay, Wow. I'm Back...

Hey, long time no me. So today I've got two posts! One is this one, introducing the new way I'll be drawing myself and the other is a comic.
So, I've decided to change up the way I draw myself because I realized that I draw myself way cooler than I actually am, so the new avatar is more accurate to how I actually look, haha. (Sort of)
I just realized that I have really girly writing.... Ah well, see you soon in the comic!!

Thursday 23 January 2014

In The Beginning.

So here is the comic that shows how this whole roommate situation began for Jay and Gerard! Now, I've added my webcomic on this site called "Tapastic" but I'm having a bit of trouble uploading my comics there. I've asked one f the users on that site for help, so hopefully he can help :) But anyway, this one's a bit shorter than usual because I'm feeling pretty lazy. But I'll let you guys know if I do get my comics up on Tapastic (which is a fantastic site and I recommend you guys read "Treehouse" by AtokNiiro, and "Fisheye Placebo" by Yuumei!)
Ta-ta for now, my lovelies!

Love~ Shigeru (The Cat Lord)

UPDATE: I AM NOW ON TAPASTIC, THANKS TO HELP FROM ATOKNIIRO. (My webcomic idol) I had to change the pixels to fit, so the colours are different, but I'm up :)
That is all, carry on, dears :)

Friday 17 January 2014

A Comparison of Room Mates.

So, my first post in a while, and my first comic in even longer! I finally got over whatever it was I had. Apparently it was just the flu, but it felt more like the plague, to be completely honest. I missed a lot of work because I could hardly get out of bed, I don't think I've ever been that sick before... But, I'm better now, so yay! :) So, this comic was actually completed at a decent hour, as evidenced by the fact that this is not being posted at midnight.
Without further ado, here is the new comic!
(French translations provided by Elliot Erikson)

I just wanted to say Thank You to everyone who reads my blog, you guys are amazing!!
Love~ Shigeru (The Cat Lord)

Thursday 9 January 2014

Ah, I got sick :(

All I've been doing for the past several days is just laying in bed watching Netflix on my laptop, and playing with my cats. I seem to have caught the flu, it's awful, but Elliot brings me food when I can eat it, so that's really nice. However, he does still have to go to work, so I'm pretty much home alone most of the time. I even had to go get some medicine by myself today, I almost got sick on the way to the store, it was just... Ugh... So anyway, I will update with a comic when my hands aren't shaking as badly and i can atcually draw normally, haha. So for now, I have more pictures of my cat, Maaka! And I'm in them! Well, my chest and lower body, but nonetheless I am there and you can all laugh at how scrawny I am.
The winter here in Canada is pretty harsh, right now where I live it's about -2 degrees Centigrade (easily the warmest it's been in weeks.), but it feels colder because of the northern wind. It's weird that I'm so cold here, because I was born in Hakodate (in the Hokkaido Prefecture) and it is not warm there,  actually right now in Hakodate it is -7 degrees Centigrade and snowing. I spent most of my life in Hakodate but when I was about 14 (so the year before I started high school) we moved to the Osaka prefecture where it is much warmer, there it is about 2 or 3 Degrees Centigrade. So maybe I just forgot how to live in cooler weather? It was weird when my family and I moved to Osaka because the dialect there is different than what I was used to, but of course, I ended up speaking like that and now every time I talk to my friends from Hakodate they make fun of the way I talk, but what are friends for, right?
I miss Japan, and I may go back someday, but for now I'm going to stay in Canada, I've got a good job so I'm going to save up some money and maybe travel someday. I'd like to go to Sweden, and the United Kingdom, or Ireland (not part of the UK, save for Northern Ireland). But Sweden and the other Scandinavian countries and Iceland seem like wonderful places, all the people I've met from any of those countries have been fantastic.
Any way, wow that's a long post, I guess I'm lonely, haha. So if anybody has any questions about Japan for me, feel free to ask :) I'm happy to help or even if you just want to chat, ( go ahead.
It looks like I've got my hand somewhere odd, but I'm actually just holding my foot... 
Love~ Shigeru (The Cat Lord)

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Another Text Post, I Guess?

Sorry, I was too lazy to draw a picture, but Happy New Year's, anyway!
Traditionally, in Japan, New Year's is celebrated on the same day as the Chinese New Year, but we've celebrated it on the 1st of January since 1873. In Japan New Year's is called "お正月" or oshōgatsu. There are a lot of different types of food eaten at celebrations, a couple different fish things, a lot of bean related food, and my fave, mochi!!! :D 
Also, the Buddhist temples will ring their bells 108 times, which can get a bit annoying, really. My house growing up wasn't all that far away from a temple so the ringing would drive me crazy.
One more thing that I have always done is called "The Firsts of The Year"
Like the first sunrise of the year, the first temple trip of the year (although I don't think there's a temple in my city, so I'll just make my apartment look like one) and the first dream of the year, which is supposed to hold special meaning and predict events to take place in the new year. Also there's the first tea ceremony and the first shopping sale, haha. And there are generally choirs singing to Beethoven's Ninth. 
So tomorrow I'm going to take part in my own hatsumode and hatsugama which are the first temple visit and tea ceremony :) 
You all have fun celebrating New Year's in your own ways :D
新年あけましておめでとうございます Happiness to you on the dawn of a New Year.                                           
今年もよろしくお願いします I hope for your favour again in the coming year.

Love always~ Shigeru (The Cat Lord)