Saturday 26 October 2013

So, Still Don't Have My Computer...

But I do have a Tumblr! I'm still not quite sure how it works.... Anyway my address (or whatever you call it) is so, follow me please :3 I can't figure out how to get a profile picture yet, so I'm going to have to ask a friend for help... And here I thought I was smart haha. I don't know why I got Tumblr, but if you guys would follow me, it would mean the world to me and I would totally follow you back! I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!! A new frozen yogurt place opened in my town and they totally have MOCHI as one of their toppings!! MOCHI!!! I FREAKING LOVE MOCHI YOU GUYS!!! Oh, goodness... I feel like a teenage girl, haha. This is kind of what I'm like in person, by the way. I just try to seem like a grown up on the Internet. Anyway, I think I'm gonna sign off for the night and go watch a movie. A horror movie, actually (Evil Dead) Please, comment and let me know what you think :)
 Oyasumi Nsasai!

Love~ Shigeru (The Cat Lord)

Friday 18 October 2013

A Little (Lot Of) Backstory For You All.

I really do hate being without my laptop, I actually had to borrow my friend's for this because my phone hates my entire existence and my iPod is apparently very temperamental.... It kind of really sucks... Like a lot...
Anyhoo, I think a little bit of a backstory to how Jay and Gerard met is in order, no?
When Jay first moved to America from Japan, he placed ads in the local newspaper offering tutoring services in math, sciences, and history. Gerard's father, Jeremy decided that Gerard (who was 15 at the time and Jay was only 19) needed help in math and hired Jay. They got along very well so Jeremy would sometimes ask Jay to watch Gerard when he and Matti (spouse) were out of town (or country) for work.
Gerard wanted to move out almost immediately after high school (mostly because his parents are a bit too "loving" of each other, haha.) but he didn't have enough money saved for an apartment, so Jay offered to let Gerard stay for a while until he had the money, but he just never left...

Now perhaps some info on the characters (and we may see others eventually)

Gerard Von Stratden; 20 years old, born in Frankfurt, Germany. His biological parents are Jeremy Von Stratden and Anastasia Von Stratden (maiden name Faust), raised by Jeremy and his second spouse, Matti Bey. Currently unemployed and freeloading off of Jay. He likes horror movies and old cartoons, he loves the colour blue, and is five foot six (the same height as me!!) He enjoys reading as is very needy, but won't admit it to anyone. He is afraid of thunderstorms.

Jay Onodera; 24 year old cartoonist from Osaka, Japan. He is not in contact with any of his family asides from his identical twin brother, Haruhi. Currently putting up with Gerard's freeloading. He prefers comedies or dramas for movies, but would rather read comics or look at new anime merchandise. His favourite colour is red, he loves peach tea (or any kind of tea, really) He won't admit it, but Gerard's neediness and bad habits are major inspirations for designing some of his characters. He is afraid of talking to people he doesn't know well, and small, dark spaces.

I may decide to introduce Gerard's parents to the comic because they have such a funny relationship, they're very sarcastic and obviously Gerard has picked up some habits from them. They don't actually speak much English, mostly German (sometimes Swedish, because Matti is from Sweden.) but for the sake of this comic, they will (mostly, unless for comedic purposes) speak English. So yeah, that was a really long post... Sorry. I'll log off now, Oyasumi Nasai, everyone :3

~ Love Shigeru (The Cat Lord)

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Monetary Woes

Sorry, the art this time kinda sucks xP I had to do a really rushed job today :(
Another thing, (also unfortunate) I'm not going to have my laptop for a while (probably no longer than two weeks...) Until such time when it is returned to me, I'll just post other stuff I've happened to do... And I know that Gerard's vest isn't plaid this time, but that's because it's a different vest! His closet is full of sweater vests and turtlenecks of varying colours and design, and Jay's is full of red t-shirts and blue jeans, haha. Well, I guess I should probably stop babbling now, but I'll just say to anyone who actually reads my blog, you're awesome and also tell your friends about it :) Please and thank you :3
Anyway, Oyasumi Nasai, everyone :D

~Love Shigeru (The Cat Lord)

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Here's A Little Info (And Some Colour) On Jay and Gerard :)

So, there we go :) Here's my boys in all their coloured glory! Jay looks kinda pissed off, though... I apologise for my borderline illegible writing xP I'm working on it... I was too lazy to do a comic tonight, so I did this, enjoy :3

~Love; Shigeru (The Cat Lord)

Monday 14 October 2013

An Incident of Hypocrisy (I'm Back!! :D)

Hey, I'm back :) That wasn't as long of a break as I expected. Anyway, please feel free to contact me through my email ( if you have any comments or suggestions for comics or drawings you would like to see done and I will give you full credit for the idea.
Every time I do a comic, I'm always listening to Studio Killers when I do it, although today I also listened to Shoose's cover of the Vocaliod song Pomp and Circumstance... It's very sexy O/////O (Oh, my...)
Oh, look at me, I'm rambling... But please do comment or send me feedback, because I see veiws increasing, but I don't know what anyone thinks of it!! Have a good evening, everyone, I love you ;3

Love~ Shigeru (The Cat Lord)

Friday 11 October 2013

Well, This is Unfortunate

So, it would appear that in an unfortunate incident of... cat-ness, Mari (my kitten) knocked over my tea and spilled it on my laptop, so for now updates wll be suspended. I'm seeing to it that it either gets repaired or I will invest in a new one. For the time being, I will try to post some pictures (unrelated to my webcomic) that I have on my phone. Sorry about this... :(
~ Love; Shigeru (The Cat Lord)

Thursday 10 October 2013

A Topic of Interest

Look at this! I made a proper comic!! :D I'm pretty stoked because yesterday I figured out how to do speech bubble on my manga program lol. Go me! x)

Tuesday 8 October 2013

So I Guess This Is A Thing Now...

Hi! My name is Shigeru Horiuchi! So, I guess since this is my first post and all I should maybe introduce myself? Okay, well I'm a 20 year old Japanese guy, I moved to Canada from Japan as soon as I graduated highschool. Why Canada? Well, Canadians are awesome and I went once when I was still in highschool and I kind of fell in love with the food (POUTINE AND TIM HORTONS!) So I made the move on my own. I live in an apartment with 3 cats, Moka, Maaka, and Mari (so original, right?) This Blog is devoted to my webcomic called The Annoying Roomate. It's basically about two guys, Gerard Von Stratden and Jay Onodera, who share an apartment. It would be pretty boring if it wasn't for the fact that Gerard can be super needy and obnoxious at times, it's a good thing for him Jay's a patient guy. But, that's as much detail as I'll get into with that. I do take requests for comics, and you can contact me through the comment section on the blog itself or follow me on Twitter ( @ShigeruHoriuchi ) and contact me that way! Or if you want, you can request my email and we could chat! ^.^ Okay, so I'm going to leave you guys with a post that is completely unrelated to The Annoying Roomate! Enjoy, and おやすみなさい! (Good night!)

~ Love; Shigeru (The Cat Lord)